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    Perfection and aesthetics
    in aluminium


Imprint in accordance with § 5 Tele-Services Act

FYSAM Auto Decorative GmbH

Company headquarters:
Robert-Bosch-Strasse 13
89555 Steinheim am Albuch

Executive Director: Martin Rafael

Main administration:
Robert-Bosch-Str. 13
89555 Steinheim am Albuch
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internet: www.fysam-auto.com

Your contact:
Danijela Novak
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Responsible for technical content:
Shan Hunag
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Responsible for HR Content:
Christoph Knobel

Court of register: District Court Stuttgart
Register number: HRB 767202 Stuttgart
VAT ID no.: DE 815 802 908

Liability note:

All rights reserved. The information is property of FYSAM Auto Decorative GmbH. It represents the newest information at the time of publication. A liability or guarantee for the actuality, accuracy and completeness of the provided information and data is excluded. This also applies to all other websites that are linked to through external hyperlinks. FYSAM Auto Decorative GmbH is not responsible for the content of such sites.

The content of the entire website from the FYSAM Auto Decorative GmbH is copyright protected. The content may neither be completely nor partially reproduced and/or published or saved in a different information system without the prior written consent of the owner.

The information on the websites does not represent legal guarantees. The FYSAM Auto Decorative GmbH reserves the right to execute changes and/or amendments to the provided information or data as needed. No legal claims can be derived from the topical areas described here.



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